Reflective Practice
The Institute offers introductory and refresher sessions for organisations or practitioners wishing to introduce regular reflection into their working practice. The benefits of reflective practice include:
- Better decision-making
- Improved team communication
- And refreshed motivation.
At Craighead we are realistic about the pace of many people’s working lives and we try to offer a menu of options that suit different situations. With practice, reflective practice tools can be drawn upon when needed in the moment, without having to wait for a long stretch of time that may never turn out to be available.
We recently delivered a session to a team in a national third sector organisation, all of whom opted to stay for an optional afternoon to try out some of the approaches.
A typical session includes:
- Why reflect?
- Tools for individual reflection – selecting what suits you
- Introduction to principles and practice of group reflection and action learning
- Reflecting in action – tips before you jump in!
- Team action learning set
- Option to facilitate action learning set and feedback
To enquire about a reflective practice session contact lisa@craighead.org.uk