Craighead Conversations
- What’s faith got to do with it?-
“How do we live in a way that shows an understanding that we genuinely live in a shared world, not one that simply belongs to us?” Rowan Williams
“The cross must be raised again at the centre of the marketplace as well as in the steeple of the church.” George Macleod.
“We cannot wait any longer to deal with the structural causes of poverty, in order to heal our society from an illness that can only lead to new crises.” Pope Francis
In 2016-17 we began a new initiative, a series of five monthly discussions, open to all, to reflect on key public issues in Scotland today and to ask:
- What does this mean for the understanding of faith?
- What actions will take us to a more just society?
Invited speakers shared knowledge, experience and engagement in bringing about change. Talks were followed by discussion. All were joint events with partner organisations active in the topic area.
Last year’s theme was ‘Crossing Boundaries’. Speakers addressed an aspect of the way in which society is divided and how we can reach out across these divides to build a more just world together. Conversation topics included:
October 2016 Where are we now? Within a ‘hostile environment’, what scope is there for Scotland to be a place of welcome for migrants and refugees? Sarah Craig Glasgow University and Amal Azzudin, human rights campaigner and activist .With GRAMNet and Wee Wonderbox at the Iona Community.
November 2016 One Scotland? How divided is public opinion in Scotland and what are the implications for democracy? Professor John Curtice and Willie Sullivan. With the Electoral Reform Society Scotland at Renfield St Stephens’s Church.
December 2016 A Life of Dignity. What does it mean for each of us? Elaine Downie and Commissioners from the Poverty Truth Commission. With the Poverty Truth Commission and Faith in Community Scotland.
January 2017: Professor Sir Harry Burns: Glasgow’s Health Divide. Why are the usual suspects, such as poor diet, not enough to explain Glasgow's persistent health inequalities? Why would a focus on nurturing children bring more long-term health benefits than trying to fix the consequences of social disadvantage?
March 2017: Professor Bart McGettrick: Education for Peace: a necessary process for achieving peace in the Middle East?
This year there will be a new series of Craighead Conversations, Watch this space for the programme which will come out in the autumn.