Christine Anderson - Senior International Consultant
Christine Anderson is the founder of the Craighead Institute of Life and Faith and directed it for the first sixteen years. She is a member of the Society of the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus. Her five years as National Training Officer of a Christian Worker Movement in UK gave her extensive experience of working with groups in parishes and local communities. She studied Pastoral Theology at Lumen Vitae International Institute in Brussels, attended in-depth formation in Ignatian Spirituality at the Gregorian University in Rome and trained as an Organizational Role Analyst at the Grubb Institute of Behavioral Studies in London. As an experienced Facilitator and Organizational Consultant Christine has worked in many countries of the world. She moved to Rome in 2003 to work for Jesuit Refugee Service as Human Resources Officer for the International Organization. It was there that she gained much experience in Africa through both contributing to the training of teams to go to the field and supporting them in their on-going work. In 2005 she founded Faith and Praxis for Global Leadership for international leadership formation, consultancy and research.
Her passion is to work at the integration of Life and Faith and she is constantly developing methodologies for groups to address this. Her book, Discerning the Gold in Human Experience is published by AuthorHouse in 2021.